13 ago 2011


Escribo esto un rato antes de conocer por fin a mi sobrina rusa, Mimí, que nació el a fin del año pasado en San Petersburgo. Ya la conozco por fotos y videos, claro, pero no es lo mismo que poder tenerla en brazos, apretujarla y sentirle el olor a bebé. La expectativa de esa sensación futura me tiene muy entusiasmada.

Mi hermano no me dejará subir aquí fotos de ella para ilustrar esta entrada y para que se comprenda mejor mi emoción. De todas formas, no creo que sea necesario.

Me parece que todos entendemos ese regusto, excitación y encantamiento que producen los cachorros de todas las especies.

Yo nunca entendí mucho aquello de que "la sangre tira". Esa idea de que uno quiere más a los que son de su propia familia. Para mí todo se basa en la conexión que se tiene o no con la otra persona. Sea de la familia o no. 

Verdad es que a los de la familia uno tiene más libertad tal vez para apretujarlos (insisto con mi idea fija) como pienso hacer dentro de menos de una hora con Mimí, la bohème rusa.

9 comentarios:

  1. I'm very glad that you will soon see your niece. :)

  2. Thank you, Andrey. Now I've already met OUR niece... she's completely lovable (and we have great connexion)!

  3. So what happened?? You can't beat the smell of babies.

    I love the picture of the peahen and her shadow.

  4. It was wonderful, AJP! Our conexion was perfect. We took many many pictures of her, she loved the camera: always laughing and doing funny faces.
    But now my brother's family went to another city (Córdoba) which is almost 1.000 km from Buenos Aires. We're going there next weekend to see them again.
    The picture you liked is from a hotel near the Uruguay river, that we like a lot . There were a lot of peahens wandering around all day. They looked happy, but I was all the time worried thinking if they were receiving good care...

  5. Worry, worry: that's the problem with animals.

  6. I wonder whether they worry about us?

  7. My first impulse was to say no. Or maybe dogs do worry, and cats don't.
    But in fact, both my cats and dogs always knew when I was sad or needed some petting. So maybe they do worry about us.
    I can't tell what about peahens, actually.

  8. Our dogs don't do much worrying, about anything; except they don't like being left alone, so they may worry about that. I've never known a peahen or peacock well, though there were lots of them in Holland Park, in London, when I was young. The goats always baaah a greeting when I haven't seen them for a while, which makes me think they might worry about our welfare.
